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Learn To Play Piano

without sheet music

Play Without Limits

The question I get asked the most? 


"Where is the sheet music?" or  "Can you share the sheet music for this cover?"


The Answer?


There is no sheet music. There never was. Everything is played entirely by ear. 




Through a method I like to call the "CAGE Theory".  -No, not THAT "CAGE" Theory.


So What Is the CAGE Theory?


The CAGE Theory is a theory I developed for instantly recognizing the notes required to play a melody, BEFORE you play them. To know what the chords to a song are, without having to look them up. 


 -Without "Perfect Pitch".


Sound Impossible?


It's not! In fact, in no time at all, not only will you forget all about reading sheet music, you'll be able to play the piano




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